Chief Instructor Sigung Raheem Bey Haqq Darden
Raheem was born in Wilmington, Delaware where he began his journey as a boxer training under Heavyweight champion Manard “Kid “ Jones, at the
local YMCA. At the same time he began his karate training in Nesi Goju Ryu under Maestro Jock Taylor . In 1974 Master Raheem
moved to the New England area where
his training intensified under the instruction of Grandmaster Larry S.L Martin and Grandmaster William Gregory. Master Raheem
was member of Master Chi World of Self Defense, He later went on to win Grand Championship in Lacuna New Hampshire Master
Raheem currently is employed as drug and alcohol counselor, Motivational Speaker, accomplished musician. Master Raheem currently
is the Chief Instructor at KwoonHaqq in Wilmington, Delaware. He is an active competitor in extreme fighting in the local
tri state area.
Belt Ranks:
-8th Degree Black Belt, Kajukempo, Grandmaster
Larry S.L Martin, Grandmaster William Gregory - 6th Level Black Sash, Bok Lum Pai, Grandmaster Larry S.L Martin - 7h
Degree Black Belt, Shojukempo, Grandmaster Larry S.L Martin - 4th Degree Black Belt, Shotokan Karate-Do, Kyoshi Dr. Robert
Handley - Co-Founder Su Tai with Grandmaster Samad Haq Darden Association Affiliation: - International Ryu
Kyu Kai Karate-Do Association, member Board of Director - Shojukempo International , Member - World Tora Do Ryu Karate
Association. Member - International Sungja-Do Association, Assistant State Director